Sunday, June 2, 2013

About broken-butterfliesx

Pictures of me (:

Hiya! I'm Lauren and i'm 16 years old. I'm just your average girl who loves friends & family, who gets good grades, who grew up happy. I'm your average girl except I've struggled with self-harm and was daignosed with depression. I tried to kill myself 2 times, and after the 2nd time, I decided that I wanted to get better. I'm better now. And while I do struggle with self-harming thoughts.. I try not to let them win :)

But other than that, I love pretty much everything & everyone. I'm very easy to get along with and I'm always here if anyone ever wants to talk. My friends say I give good advice, but if I can't help you, I might redirect you to a specific helpline. I'm also a very good listener & you can come talk to me about anything. I won't judge. And everything will be kept private.

I'm obsessed with TV shows, movies & books. My favorite TV shows are definiatley crime/cop shows; but other than that I like The Big Bang Theory, The Vampire Diaries, Dance Moms, Castle, Bones, NCIS, etc.. And I adore the Percy Jackson books (:

Thanks for reading this & remember...... I LOVE you all.

You're worth it.
You're amazing.
You're beautiful.
and don't let anyone tell you differently.

xoxo, Lauren.

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